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Ebor Saab - Ripon Old Cars
Sunday 26 July 2015, 10:00 - 17:00
Hits : 616
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Ebor Saab will be attending Ripon Old Cars.

Information from the event oganisers

"In late July every year we organise a Classic Car show which also includes, motorcycles, car clubs, tractors and specialist car stands. Last year we had in excess of 1000 exhibitors on the field of all types and styles.

We have a number of other activities taking place on the day including, children’s entertainment, stalls and trade stands of all descriptions, auto jumble, tombola, good food cooked by the local guides and much more.Each year the event builds and is more popular. Thousands of local people come and take part; we also get visitors from all over the country, some bringing their cherished classic vehicles to show. Local accommodation is inexpensive and there are local camping facilities for those that need it."


Location Ripon Race Course
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