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The SAAB Owners Club - Membership Distant Selling Terms and Conditions

1. The Club is called The SAAB Owners' Club of Great Britain Limited and is a Company Limited by Guarantee.

2. Objects

2.1 The Objects of the club are to promote the interests of owners of private motor cars manufactured or marketed under the name of "SAAB" and to encourage and promote further interest in the marque, and related activities as defined in the Memorandum of Association.

3. Admission of members

3.1 Applications for membership are welcomed from anyone with an interest in cars bearing the SAAB marque. All applicants have a right to equality of opportunity and no account shall be taken of colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status or disability. Terms & conditions of Membership, applications for Membership and Membership qualifications are as stipulated in the Articles of Association.

4. Management

4.1 The management of the Club is performed by the Board of Directors in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum & Articles of Association. Officers who are not Board members may be invited to perform certain tasks.

5. Profit

5.1 The income and property of the Club however it may be derived shall be employed solely for the promotion of the objects of the Club as set out in the Memorandum of Association and, saveas provided for in the Memorandum of Association, no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus or otherwise by way of profit to the members of the Club.

6. Accounts

6.1 As required by the Companies Act, the directors shall in each Membership Year lay before the Club in general meeting an account of the income and expenditure of the Club for the accounting period(s) which ended in the previous Membership Year.

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Edward  NevilleEdward Neville
2024-12-03 14:28:50Saab 9-3 (2003 – 2011)UK
£ 4000 OVNO
Family owned 9.3 Vector Estate.
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