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Berks Hants Oxon Christmas meal
Sunday 27 January 2019, 12:00
Hits : 927
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Sunday 27th January 12.00 for 12.30hrs – Christmas lunch. We have booked the same place as last year, the Lands End at Hurst, now under new management and known as the Heron at the Ford. We have booked for Sunday lunchtime, the 27th January and have decided to go for their Christmas menu. I have attached a copy of the menu, it is £18 for 2 courses or £25 if you decide to go for all 3.

    • We will need to let them know by December and tell them what we want to eat. We will also need to give them a £10 deposit per person.
    • Please let us know by the November meet if you would like to come (if you haven’t already), with your choice of food. Deposits can be paid at the next 2 meets or paid into the group bank account (details on request).
Location Heron on the Ford, RG10 0UE
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