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Saab International 2019
Friday 09 August 2019, 08:00
To Sunday 11 August 2019
Hits : 1566


In 2009 Saab Club Nederland existed for 50 years, being a great occasion to organize IntSaab2009 in Doesburg. In 2019 Saab Club Nederland will be 60 years old ... We are 10 years further and also 10 IntSaabs further! To celebrate our 60th anniversary with everyone who cares about the Saab brand, we organize IntSaab2019. We do our best to make it a great event, just like all previous IntSaab events! Actually not much is needed: a meadow for the tent, camper, Toppola and a hotel nearby, as many Saabs as possible, food & drinks, a nice surrounding for touring and a relaxed atmosphere to meet and greet old and new friends again. We also hope for good weather

Location  Weerselo, The Netherlands
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